LOCATION : Long’s Wood (Shed in the forest – not pictured)
Costumes list:
Character 1 (M))
Black Leather Jacket – Ominous, connotations of danger, contrast to scenery
Red shirt – Connotations of danger + violence, complimentary colour to green so complimentary to environment
Broken Watch – Implies that something bad happened – injured possibly
Rings – No design, smooth all the way around
Hair: Natural hair, un-brushed and rough
Character 2 (F))
White outfit – Connotations of purity and innocence, playing in to the conventions of the horror trope
Light voluminous clothes – A sense of ethereality is created through lightweight flowing clothes
Stained by mud – Works with environment, creates sense that something is wrong and has stained the sense of purity connected to the outfit.
Props list
Keys – 1 house key 1 car key, no keychains
Ripped clothing
Plain rings
Plastic fake plant in a vase
Plot Synopsis:
Opens on character 1s hands spinning keys in his fingers and cuts between him and character 2 sitting outside a shed reading a book. Audio is quiet and not intrusive. Shot of character 2 with the sound of keys shaking can be heard, audio becomes louder with distorted foley becoming intrusive. Cut to shot of character 1s face shown for the first time looking very happy while beating character 2 with the keys (character 1 not shown on camera) as triumphant music plays. Cut to shot of the shed with a plant pot in it with title card appearing.
Character Profiles:
Character 1: Strange figure who takes pleasure in violence. Isolated from society and relationships for pretty obvious reasons (he kills people) - he carries a fake plant with him to have a companion that can't die or leave him.
Character 2: Typical "killed at the beginning of the horror movie" horror movie trope, innocent woman with no fleshed out character.